Wednesday 14 October 2015

Polydor Record Company Talk

Today we had a talk from Emily whom currently works in Polydor records to explain to us about treatments and what her role is as a video commissioner.

Emily is a video commissioner who's aim is to oversea the whole music video. Their job is to represent both the artist and the director (combining two creative elements). This was important as many directors want to only use narrative however studio's want to represent the artist/band.
Then they would ask 5 to 10 directors to send in a treatment, which includes a lot of pictures and summaries their idea (brief explanation).

Things to ensure

Clear storyboard, helping to ensure everyone on the set is clear on the music video and fully understands it.

Typical Problems that may occur

Is one of your shots doesn't work out then as a director you must think of solutions on the spot i.e. is the music video King by Years and years they were meant to have the pain moving around the room and the pianist had to try keep playing.

Use of Studio

Over the past few years Emily said she hasn't been on a set for a long time. This may be due towards filmmakers trying to make their music video more narrative.

Pros - It better for controlled weather, as living in UK the weather is unpredictable
Cons - Can be more expensive and it gets rid of the dynamic shots form natural view

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