In this lesson , the group and we have changed our opening sequence idea to make it clearer by changing it from a country side rave to a house party/disco, we also changed it so that she was spiked instead of her having a fit as it seem more realistic.
We also decided that the sequence will start at the door and there is no bus scene (them arriving from a bus).
Our targets - Was to organise our practice shoot and decide where to film and what camera angles and scenes in particular order
Meeting 2 - Friday 21st November
In today's lesson, the group began to structure a storyboard including the shots we would like to use in the real shoot. As for the practice shoot, we planned where we will shoot this and what and who we will need. This included props such as a glass and a pill. It will obviously not look as professional as the real thing will. We also went over the general storyline in order to become more familiar with what we will be shooting.
Our Targets - include taking the story board into account when we film our practice shoot, and finding location which will fit our thriller.
Meeting 3 - Monday 24th November
In todays lesson we filmed our story board with an iPhone. We managed to find an actor who was available, with Rosie playing as the girl who dies after being spiked at a house party
An issue we found today was that we didn't fully follow our story board however we benefited as it was important to use spontaneity as it can encourage fresh ideas such an early point in the process.
Despite the fact that we are not entirely sure with the girl having the fit as it may reveal too much in the opening sequence, we still experimented to get the idea of how it would appear in the real thing.
What worked well - we used camera angles to created tension rather than ordinary angles for example when the drink got spiked, we filmed the glass with an extreme close up.
What didn't work well - Our group decided that the fit could have been a excess in the opening scene as maybe it revealed to much of the idea.
Our target - To watch the footage back and differentiate what we like and what we dislike about our main ideas
Meeting 4 - Tuesday 25th November
During this lesson a lot came to light. As we realised that we had dragged the sequence out more that we should have. As we edited the footage together we immediately realised that the shots didn't work such as the main characters calling her friend as it is irrelevant and isn't needed. We also noticed that we were concentrating on the protagonist to much making it seem like and "advert".
Target - Next meeting included on making our idea concrete i.e whether to have the set as a club or a rave
Minute meeting 5 - Tuesday 2nd of December
This lesson we had posted our test footage on YouTube which allowed every on in our group to post it on their blog. We also had started on our new storyboard for our opening sequence which allowed us to consider the production side of the thriller. As we have learn t all the faults in our test footage it gave us new and original ideas for our new opening scene.
Target - to develop the Storyboard even more which allows us to get ready for the next stage of production and to finish off the mood boards.
Minute meeting 6 - Thursday 4th of December
Today we continued working on our storyboard, but Rosie was absent so we will have to help her catch up. Since the last meeting we have also finished our mood boards and the reviews of our test shoot. Today we made a lot of progress with our storyboard today, but we had to extend the story line as it was seen to be to short
Target - for our next meeting is to finish the storyboard and upload it to our blogs.
Minute meeting 7 - Wednesday 10th December
Minute meeting 7 - Wednesday 10th December
Today we assigned who is choosing costumes, set design,props and location. Alex has been assigned to do set design, Lucy is doing Props, Rosie is doing Location and I am doing Costumes
Minute meeting 8 - Thursday 1st January
Minute meeting -Tuesday 6th January
We have completed all our task except for the location as our group felt that we needed to find a location as a group over the weekend and take photos of them.
Minute meeting -Wednesday 7th January
Our group has taken pictures of the two possible location that we will be using and our group has decided that we will be choosing the abandoned car park as it has a specific atmosphere that our group is trying to create
Our target is to bring in all the props to school so we have them in school. I will be finishing the shot list by tomorrow.
Minute meeting -Thursday 8th January
Our group had brought in the costumes and have finished the shot list therefore our group will be waiting to shoot next Monday
we had a meeting with the Media Studies department and they decided that our idea hadn't grabbed their intention enough therefore tomorrow our group are going to be re thinking of a new idea or modifying our previous idea.
Our target is going to be finalizing a 3 new ideas and choosing upon them
Minute meeting - Friday 2nd January
Our group has made 4 new ideas on each of our group members and we went for the hit man idea as our group had a common interest with the idea.
Our target is going to be finalizing a 3 new ideas and choosing upon them
Minute meeting - Friday 2nd January
Our target is to finalize the idea and build a story/opening sequence
Minute meeting -Monday 5nd January
Today we had finalized our idea and I had started working on our storyboard, while the other crew members started working upon the location, props and costume
Our target is to complete the task given.
Minute meeting -Wednesday 7th January
Our group has taken pictures of the two possible location that we will be using and our group has decided that we will be choosing the abandoned car park as it has a specific atmosphere that our group is trying to create
Our target is to bring in all the props to school so we have them in school. I will be finishing the shot list by tomorrow.
Minute meeting -Thursday 8th January
Our group had brought in the costumes and have finished the shot list therefore our group will be waiting to shoot next Monday